
movie nights

by alissa and brielle

who doesn't love a movie night with your best girl friends? 
well, we sure do!
what goes into the perfect movie night?

#1: stop and smell the flowers

#2: find the perfect theater location

we like 34th st. because despite the hoards of tourists, the theater is always clean and doesn't smell like a bodily function like so many do in nyc...
#3: the perfect snack

junior mints and popcorn - a discovery brielle and her mom have been indulging on ever since snow white in theaters

#4: run an errand after the movie in order to be double productive 

we went to duane reade for nailpolish, of course.

#5: do something spontaneous 

lauren and brielle slid down the new york post office stair rails 

 just 5 easy steps and you've got a night to remember!
